Comments are very important. It’s amazing how many bloggers are still on the fence about this.
Comments on your blog equal feedback that your audience is giving you. Whether it is positive or negative feedback, embrace it.
-You will be perceived as a listener
-You will be commended for caring about your business and what your audience has to say
-You will be viewed as wanting to engage with your audience
-Other visitors like to read the comments and that might keep them on your blog longer, they may visit more frequently or they may recommend your blog to others
Everyone loves positive comments, they are great, but what about the negative ones? The one thing you should never do is remove the negative comments. What you can do is address them and position them in a positive way. If you erred and the commenter called you on it, own up to it, and state how you plan to fix the error. If the commenter has had a negative experience, suggest options to make the situation right for them. Your goal should be to turn every visitor into a fan. If they have questions or comments, address them in a helpful way, using a conversational tone, and go above their expectations with your answer. There may be situations that may require you to be firm, just remember to be professional with your response. For any comment, engage in a genuine way and acknowledge it with a “Thanks” or reply in a positive, professional manner. And, be sure to address all feedback in a timely basis.
Now, about spam comments. Yes, there are many. You can do something about the spam such as installing a spam blocker plug-in like Akismet, which filters out your comment and track-back spam for you, so you can focus on creating and curating content, and providing a wonderful experience to those who visit you.
Comments are good. They will help make your blog stronger. And, your visitors will care about you when they see you caring about them.
Comment away.
Well said! The worst thing any of us who deal with customers/clients on a daily basis can do is ignore their feedback!
Well said, Jeff! Thanks for commenting!! 🙂