m4comm_win/loss analysis

How To Conduct Win-Loss Analysis To Achieve Strategic Growth (Part I)

I have been involved with Win-Loss Analysis from the product and sales sides since the mid–1990’s and have written about the subject since 2009. To this day, I do not understand why more companies aren’t conducting win-loss interviews, analyzing results and implementing lessons learned. When I speak with companies, many think they know the answers [...]
Why Customer Experience Requires a Mindset Shift

Why Adopting A Customer Experience Mindset Is Key

On October 7, 2014, Customer Experience (CX) professionals celebrated #CXDay for the second year in a row. The event, put on by The Customer Experience Professionals Association (CXPA), is an all day celebration of Customer Experience around the globe. It brings together companies and people that are creating great experiences for customers. Where Does Customer Experience Fit? [...]

Content Marketers: Are You the Utility Player of Your Team?

To many people, Labor Day signifies the end of summer. To me, the changing season, such as the weather cooling down or leaves changing color, football and baseball playoffs signify the end of summer. Baseball playoffs start on September 30th this year. In baseball, the "utility" player, by definition, is one who can play many [...]

Why Marketers Must Think Different About Content Gating

There are many opinions about content gating these days. There have been LinkedIn Group discussions about it as well as blog posts debating or trying to visualize it. I recently asked marketers on a LinkedIn Group discussion about content gating. I posed three questions - (1) Are you gating content? (2) What content types do you [...]

Are You Argo-izing Your Content?

I love the excerpted video (below) of Kevin Spacey's keynote at the 2013 Edinburgh International Television Festival. In it, he discusses the House of Cards genesis as well as how powerful content is. There are some important takeaways. First, Spacey notes that "the audience wants the control" to view the content they want when they [...]

The 3 Types of Metrics You Should Be Focusing On

This month, eMarketer published a post citing results from an April 2014 study conducted by VisionEdge Marketing and ITSMA. eMarketer noted that 85% of marketers worldwide said the pressure to measure marketing’s business value and contribution had increased. eMarketer cited another study in the post, one conducted by ifbyphone in May 2014, which indicated that much of [...]

Empathy is a Marketer’s Most Important Trait

Marketers, remember the old acronym that defined a marketer’s job? AIDA. Our task was to generate awareness, create interest, build desire, and cause a buyer to take action to purchase a product. Until recently, getting a prospect’s attention was kind of a crap shoot. Marketers had to depend on their own guesstimates of what the [...]

Have You Been Thinking About Dipping Your Toe in the Content Marketing Water?

You've read about the benefits of content marketing. You've even read case studies of companies who have achieved amazing success using content marketing in their overall marketing strategy. But, are you convinced content marketing will help your small business? Did you know that Content Marketing is the number #1 strategy used by marketers? It's not [...]

11 Keys To a Successful Mid-Year Marketing Check-In

By Nicole Yuen It's the summer and as the weather heats up, it's a perfect time to "check-in" to ensure that your marketing is on fire to end 2014 with a bang. Use this 11-point checklist to ensure a successful mid-year marketing check-in and your marketing is on track. 1. Conduct a mid-year content audit. [...]
Are You Creating Purposeful Content?

Are You Creating Purposeful Content?

I have a cube on my desk that reads "the purpose of life is a life of purpose," which to me translates as "we should be doing everything toward a greater good." I have always been a fan of Dr. Stephen Covey and his phrase "begin with the end in mind." It has had a [...]

3 Reasons You’re Doing Content Marketing Wrong

There's a lot of content out there. In fact, the amount of online content seems to double every couple of years. With the plethora of content already available, more businesses continue to jump on the content marketing bandwagon. For some clarity on the situation, check out these stats. According to a joint 2014 B2B study [...]
M4Communications_Content Consumption

Has Content Marketing Changed The Way We Consume Content?

By Nicole Yuen We seem to go through peaks and valleys with information overload in our society. And the one who picks the short straw is the content consumer. They end up having to sift through a lot of bad content to get to the good stuff. And, combined with the fact that an average [...]

How Brands Can Succeed with Their Twitter Engagement

A few weeks ago I had the honor of being the guest on #AtomicChat, which is hosted by Atomic Reach. The chat occurs every Monday evening at 9pm EST. I encourage you to check out the chat especially if you are interested in how to be effective in social media and content marketing. The subject [...]

Why It’s Time To Reverse Your Funnel to Turn Customers into Advocates

Retention marketing efforts don’t receive nearly the attention that customer acquisition efforts do. For many companies, that’s a big mistake that results in a lot of missed opportunities. Why? For starters, here are a few stats: According to Bain & Company, it costs 6-7 times more to acquire a new customer than retain an existing [...]
5 Wins For Startups_M4 Comm

The Importance of Marketing Strategy for Early-Stage Startups

Last week I read a Wall Street Journal post by Jessica Livingston entitled "Why Startups Need to Focus on Sales, Not Marketing". While reading the post, I kept on remembering a line from one of my favorite films, Taps, where the lead character's father says to him, "Let me tell 'em it was growing pains [...]

Is Content Marketing the Missing Link Between Sales and Marketing?

One thing I like about engaging with my social networks is being able to ask questions and get people’s thoughts on issues, problems, and trends. Recently, I asked on Twitter, “Do marketing and sales still have trouble working together?” The answer was particularly telling: “No. They just do it badly.” In many organizations, the challenge [...]

The Importance of Social Media In Branding

Creating and implementing an effective social media strategy is the key to global brand awareness and support for nonprofits and causes was the theme of Social Media on Purpose 2014 (#SMoP14) at Stanford last month. The mission of Social Media on Purpose is to help executives at nonprofits and other mission-driven organizations who are responsible [...]

What Is The Real Purpose of Content Marketing?

I've been reading a lot of articles and posts lately that content marketing's role is to generate sales. That is one of the myths of content marketing - if we create it, we'll get sales. If you make generating sales the goal of your content, your content will appear trite and your voice comes off [...]

Are You a News Aggregator or a Content Curator?

A few weeks ago I read an interesting article by Barry Feldman about whether content curation is news or noise. He made some good points. As he notes, "In the end, the acid test is to ascertain whether or not people like what you’re doing." That provides some of the backdrop of this article. When [...]

Seven Ways For Brands To Improve Twitter Engagement

Do brands actually engage on Twitter? In my conversations with several people over the past month, the answer seems to be a resounding "not well". I hear "they are more interested in talking about themselves" a lot. Even though Social Media Examiner's 2013 Social Media Marketing Industry Report states that 88% of marketers want to [...]