m4comm Treat Every Day as CX Day

Why We All Should Treat Every Day as CX Day

The 7th annual CX Day is on Tuesday, October 1, 2019. It's always an exciting time for me because it's when we celebrate customers, the customer experience (CX) profession, and each other. Last week, I was a guest on a twitter chat and I said just that, and we should treat every day as CX Day. [...]
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A Marketer’s ABC

In a sales person's mind, ABC stands for "Always Be Closing". We all remember Alec Baldwin's famous words in Glengarry Glen Ross... [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wVQPY4LlbJ4&w=420&h=315] We say ABC stands for Always. Be. Curious. Staying curious keeps us present to life, keeps our creative juices flowing, opens us to new opportunities. And, as Steve Jobs notes, his stumbling [...]
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