A few weeks ago I had the honor of being the guest on #AtomicChat, which is hosted by Atomic Reach. The chat occurs every Monday evening at 9pm EST. I encourage you to check out the chat especially if you are interested in how to be effective in social media and content marketing. The subject [...]
Do brands actually engage on Twitter? In my conversations with several people over the past month, the answer seems to be a resounding "not well". I hear "they are more interested in talking about themselves" a lot. Even though Social Media Examiner's 2013 Social Media Marketing Industry Report states that 88% of marketers want to [...]
Recently Media Bistro published a post about the best times to post on a variety of social media channels. Included is a great infographic by the folks at Fannit. We've included it here: I see a post about the best times to post on social media every couple of months. In it, there is similar [...]
There are a lot of Twitter chats out there. While it is great to chat, it is important to, as Pillar 2 of Character Counts! Six Pillars of Character teaches us, respect each other. What follows are some best practices for moderators and participants to keep in mind with Twitter chats. For Moderators 1. Promote [...]
Are you an effective tweeter? How do you grade yourself on Twitter? Be honest. Below is a quick checklist to make sure you are. How To Grade Yourself on Twitter 1. Do you listen? 2. Do you provide valuable, thought-provoking content? Do you make it easy for your followers to engage with you and [...]