I consider myself a student of life. I always want to be in learning-mode so that I can improve and can continuously add value to those I help: clients, potential clients, and colleagues, to name a few. As Carol Dweck notes, in her amazing book, Mindset, that’s the growth mindset—changing, growing, and stretching oneself through [...]
Comments are very important. It's amazing how many bloggers are still on the fence about this. Comments on your blog equal feedback that your audience is giving you. Whether it is positive or negative feedback, embrace it. Why? -You will be perceived as a listener -You will be commended for caring about your business and [...]
What side of content do you prefer to play? Are you a content creator or content curator? Content Curation has become hot lately which is probably due to every Tom, Dick and Harry telling you that "content is king" and you must provide "value-added content" for your website visitors to trust you. They are right. [...]