Did you know that by 2020, customer experience will overtake price and product as the key brand differentiator, and Bain & Company says it’s 6 to 7 times more costly to acquire a new customer than it is to retain one? So, if it’s really 6 to 7 times costlier to acquire a new customer [...]
Recently I was talking with my pal, Robert Scoble, about startups, content, leaving 2014 and going into 2015, so it got me to thinking, what can startups do now to help them create wins for 2015? This list of 5 Wins for Startups to Achieve Growth in 2015 will get you moving in a direction [...]
I love the excerpted video (below) of Kevin Spacey's keynote at the 2013 Edinburgh International Television Festival. In it, he discusses the House of Cards genesis as well as how powerful content is. There are some important takeaways. First, Spacey notes that "the audience wants the control" to view the content they want when they [...]
Creating and implementing an effective social media strategy is the key to global brand awareness and support for nonprofits and causes was the theme of Social Media on Purpose 2014 (#SMoP14) at Stanford last month. The mission of Social Media on Purpose is to help executives at nonprofits and other mission-driven organizations who are responsible [...]
I read a blog post today by someone stating that going viral was their goal and is the goal of many others. Is going viral really your goal? A lot of entertainment content creators ask me how they can go viral. Their expectation is that they want to publish content today so they can go viral [...]
You did a good thing. You created content that earned you a new member into your online community. So, what's next? Plenty. You've got to keep them once you get them. Nurturing your online community takes many forms and requires a continuous time investment on your part to ensure your community members' voices are being [...]
Will Content Marketing earn you business?To this, I say it depends. To this, I say it depends. Let me give you some background to frame this post. I participate in a variety of Twitter chats. Not only do I enjoy the engagement, but I can learn and disseminate information, and give my creativity a workout. [...]
Recently Media Bistro published a post about the best times to post on a variety of social media channels. Included is a great infographic by the folks at Fannit. We've included it here: I see a post about the best times to post on social media every couple of months. In it, there is similar [...]
In a previous post entitled Are You Over-Gating Your Content, we wrote that marketers need to be careful with over-gating content. Gating content is perfectly appropriate within reason. However, you need to have an objective for doing so. Otherwise, you could end up fueling the fire by defeating your purpose and driving potential leads away. [...]
Gating your content means that for someone to receive your content, they have to give you their email address and other particulars to obtain the content. But, is over-gating your content a good tactic? If you gate everything and someone registers, do you immediately conclude that individual is a hot lead? Perhaps they are. Perhaps [...]
I was on Linked In recently reading and responding to an inquiry a nonprofit manager was asking in one of the groups I belong to on how to get the word out about their nonprofit. As you would guess, many gave a laundry list of "do this, do that" answers. While there were some great [...]
What side of content do you prefer to play? Are you a content creator or content curator? Content Curation has become hot lately which is probably due to every Tom, Dick and Harry telling you that "content is king" and you must provide "value-added content" for your website visitors to trust you. They are right. [...]
Are you an effective tweeter? How do you grade yourself on Twitter? Be honest. Below is a quick checklist to make sure you are. How To Grade Yourself on Twitter 1. Do you listen? 2. Do you provide valuable, thought-provoking content? Do you make it easy for your followers to engage with you and [...]
I like to read. I'm like a sponge - I enjoy learning something new every day. I like to write, I'm a published writer and have written many blog posts for my own and other blogs. But, I have become a bit discouraged by many blogs I have read lately. I think some bloggers have [...]