Did you know that by 2020, customer experience will overtake price and product as the key brand differentiator, and Bain & Company says it’s 6 to 7 times more costly to acquire a new customer than it is to retain one? So, if it’s really 6 to 7 times costlier to acquire a new customer [...]
There are many opinions about content gating these days. There have been LinkedIn Group discussions about it as well as blog posts debating or trying to visualize it. I recently asked marketers on a LinkedIn Group discussion about content gating. I posed three questions - (1) Are you gating content? (2) What content types do you [...]
By Nicole Yuen We seem to go through peaks and valleys with information overload in our society. And the one who picks the short straw is the content consumer. They end up having to sift through a lot of bad content to get to the good stuff. And, combined with the fact that an average [...]
A few weeks ago I read an interesting article by Barry Feldman about whether content curation is news or noise. He made some good points. As he notes, "In the end, the acid test is to ascertain whether or not people like what you’re doing." That provides some of the backdrop of this article. When [...]
In addition to my role at M4 Communications, I am also a math and science tutor. Lately, I've been doing a lot of chemistry tutoring and one periodic table, Mendeleev's, is usually all I can handle. Dmitri Mendeleev, a russian chemist, found that if he put elements in their correct places in the table, which [...]
I read a blog post today by someone stating that going viral was their goal and is the goal of many others. Is going viral really your goal? A lot of entertainment content creators ask me how they can go viral. Their expectation is that they want to publish content today so they can go viral [...]
I remember an old phrase from the 1980's called "MBWA", Managing By Walking Around. The premise was that managers needed to get out of their office and walk around the office to check with employees on the status of their work and the status of the company in general. It led me to think about [...]
Will Content Marketing earn you business?To this, I say it depends. To this, I say it depends. Let me give you some background to frame this post. I participate in a variety of Twitter chats. Not only do I enjoy the engagement, but I can learn and disseminate information, and give my creativity a workout. [...]