M4-brand extension

Brand Extension – The Only Two Questions You Need to Ask

Let's face it. You are a brand. What you communicate is your brand essence (your values, what you are all about). You can spin it to something else, but it always comes back to your brand essence. Brand is not about product. Its about values. Your values come across through your products. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qjxacrSCYRE&w=420&h=315] Apple lives [...]
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Real Artists Ship

I have been thinking about this koan Steve Jobs used when developing the first Mac - "Real Artists Ship". I couldn't agree more. As product people, we must produce. That means, plan, develop, launch and manage. Keeping to schedules is key. Like Gordon Gecko's famous line in Wall Street, "greed is good", "shipping is good". [...]
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