
Simplicity is not simple. That statement comes off as being trite. But, it's true. One definition states simplicity is "clarity of expression". Apple Head of Design, Jonathan Ive, speaks of simplicity as not lack of clutter but rather bringing order and clarity to something. Looking deeper, simplicity for Buddhists focuses on only the essentials and [...]
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A Marketer’s ABC

In a sales person's mind, ABC stands for "Always Be Closing". We all remember Alec Baldwin's famous words in Glengarry Glen Ross... [youtube=] We say ABC stands for Always. Be. Curious. Staying curious keeps us present to life, keeps our creative juices flowing, opens us to new opportunities. And, as Steve Jobs notes, his stumbling [...]
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Real Artists Ship

I have been thinking about this koan Steve Jobs used when developing the first Mac - "Real Artists Ship". I couldn't agree more. As product people, we must produce. That means, plan, develop, launch and manage. Keeping to schedules is key. Like Gordon Gecko's famous line in Wall Street, "greed is good", "shipping is good". [...]
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